Herbert Strutt Primary School

Herbert Strutt Primary School

We Care, Challenge, Achieve and Open Minds

Thornhill Avenue, Belper, Derbyshire DE56 1SH

Email: enquiries@herbertstrutt.derbyshire.sch.uk

Tel: 01773 822771

School Council

School Council


The School council is one of the ways that children can become leaders at our school. As part of our teaching of British Values, children have the opportunity to stand for the roles of Chair and Secretary of their Class Council.

The children below made speeches to their class and were elected by their class for these roles (Chair on the right; Secretary on the left). They will represent the views of their class every three weeks when they sit as the School Council with Miss Tomlinson.

Well done to all the children who stood for these positions in their classes; we hope you enjoyed the experience.

We also held the “Hustings” in assembly for the Year 6 children for the role of Chair and Secretary of the School Council. The candidates wore rosettes and canvassed during playtimes, after their speeches in front of the whole school.

Suggestion boxes are in every class for children to write their ideas down and these are emptied and discussed at class councils, with ideas taken to the full meeting by the class chair and secretary.                                                                                                                          


Last update: 2022-11-17
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