Herbert Strutt Primary School

Herbert Strutt Primary School

We Care, Challenge, Achieve and Open Minds

Thornhill Avenue, Belper, Derbyshire DE56 1SH

Email: enquiries@herbertstrutt.derbyshire.sch.uk

Tel: 01773 822771



Computing Long Term Plan 22-23

INTENT: Through our curriculum we aspire to provide a high-quality education which helps children to understand and use modern technology, whilst developing key computational skills. We also aim to develop computational thinking and online safety skills in all                        pupils to ensure they gain resilience and awareness online. 

IMPLEMENTATION: (Click to see termly topics) The scheme that we use is 'Teach Computing', which is a spiral curriculum building on skills and knowledge across school.

Focus is on three core strands of the curriculum:

Computer science (how computers and systems work and how they are designed and programmed);

Digital literacy (understanding why we use certain technology for different tasks);

Information technology (the purposeful use of existing programs to develop products and solutions). 

So that our pupils know how to keep safe online and manage situations, i.e online bullying and online reputation, we use the document, 'Education for a Connected World', to map out the key skills that should be taught in each year group.

These skills are either taught in computing lessons or through the PHSE curriculum. The online resource, 'Project EVOLVE' is also used to deliver explicit aspects of online safety. 

i-Vengers (Online Safety Heroes) are four Y5/6 pupils who actively lead on online safety in school. 


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