Herbert Strutt Primary School

Herbert Strutt Primary School

We Care, Challenge, Achieve and Open Minds

Thornhill Avenue, Belper, Derbyshire DE56 1SH

Email: enquiries@herbertstrutt.derbyshire.sch.uk

Tel: 01773 822771


Please click on the link below to access information for young people with special educational needs and disabilities and their families in Derbyshire. 



SENCO: Mrs Jo Booth - 01773 822771 

At Herbert Strutt we aim to meet the needs of every child as an individual, academically, socially, spiritually and emotionally. We do this in a variety of ways as class teachers; as partners with outside agencies; and with yourself as parents. We value the abilities and achievements of all our pupils and are committed to providing the best possible learning environment for them to succeed in. We aim to be a fully inclusive school using a graduated response to provide equal opportunities for all pupils, whilst meeting their individual needs.

SEN reviews take place each term:

  • Summer term: the existing teacher has a handover with the next teacher. The 'review sheet' is completed for each child on the SEN register. This lists the interventions and strategies that will be needed in September. The SENCO uses the information from the reviews to plan which interventions will run in September and for which children. This is shared with staff and the SEN Teaching Assistants who will be delivering the programmes.
  • Autumn term: the SENCO monitors the effectiveness of the interventions through direct observation of sessions, data analysis and face to face reviews with each teacher/TA. The provision is then evaluated and planned for the Spring term.
  • Spring term: the SENCO monitors the effectiveness of the interventions through direct observation of sessions, data analysis and face to face reviews with each teacher/TA. The provision is then evaluated and planned for the Summer term.

Personalised plans:

  • IEPs (individual Educational Plans): some children have these. They list the targets the child is aiming to achieve and how these will be achieved. A copy is kept in the class for staff to focus on a copy sent home to parents. These are evaluated termly and new ones written.
  • Pupil Profiles: Some children have these. It is a one page document that provides key information about the child. It is for staff (and supply teachers) to refer to, so that the child's needs are met. They are updated and reviewed annually in the summer term by the child and the SENCO.
  • Chronology: For children with a higher level of SEN, a chronology of support and additional provision provided by the school is added to the Pupil Profile. This is to provide evidence to the Local Authority when the SENCO is applying for additional funding to meet the child's needs (a GRIP or Educational and Health Care Plan). 
  • MEP (Multi-element plan): Some children have these. It is a document that identifies the functions of their behaviour; environmental approaches to address this and agreed approaches to manage the behaviour at different times. This document is produced with the child and Headteacher / Learning Mentor / SENDCo, using sets of pictures and discussion.  
  • SSSEN support teacher: (Derbyshire's 'Support Service for Special Educational Needs') This is a specialist teacher who works with a child on a personalised programme each week. There is a referral and application process involved to secure their services.

External support is also purchased from the:

  • Behaviour Support Service: A teacher comes in and trains or supports staff to manage a child's behaviour; to work with parents and staff together; or to work on a one-to-one basis with child throughout the year.
  • Educational Psychologist: Jo Clarke is our current Ed Psych. Each autumn, the SENCO meets her and they discuss the SEND needs across school. Her time is allocated at this meeting to carry out various activities, i.e. carry out an assessment on a pupil to support our applications for GRIP/EHCP or SSSEN support; to train staff (in Autism, Attachment disorder, Literacy learning difficulties etc)

Special Educational Needs Policy - 2022

Accessibility Plan - Feb 2021

Accessibility Audit - March 23

SEN School Information Report - April 23

Derbyshire Autism Hub Leaflet



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