Herbert Strutt Primary School

Herbert Strutt Primary School

We Care, Challenge, Achieve and Open Minds

Thornhill Avenue, Belper, Derbyshire DE56 1SH

Email: enquiries@herbertstrutt.derbyshire.sch.uk

Tel: 01773 822771



Our intention is that homework should help improve the children's ability to reflect on what they have learnt during each week, as well as to provide extension and enrichment to the term's topics.

Children need to 'earn' a number of points over each term, which they do by selecting form a range of tasks. In KS1, these are called 'Pick and Mix' and in KS2 'Chilli Challenge'. 

As well as these tasks, children are expected to read their reading book and learn spellings and times tables for weekly tests.

As children move through school, the recording of books read moves from reading records in KS1 to upper KS2 keeping a log of books read for themselves on 'club cards/book towers'.

Homework Policy - June 2021

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